Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Degrees and Radians

Hey class Garrett here with a blog post about Degrees and Radians.

When measuring you first want to determine whether the rotation of the arm is clockwise or counterclockwise. If it is clockwise then the angle will be considered to be negative, if counterclockwise the angle will be considered positive.

How do we find the number of radians that are in a circle? Well lucky for you there is a simple formula that you can use to determine it.The formula is a= θr where a is the arc length r is the radius and  θ is the angle in radians. One thing to note is that this formula only works with radians not degrees so be sure not to use it in the wrong situation.

You may ask what is a radian? Well a radian is a unit of measurement just like a degree. When your arc length and your radius are equal that is one radian.

 Personally i find radians confusing and hard to understand but there are a few tricks you can use make them easier. One is the formula above another is the equation to convert radians to degrees. This formula is π/180 all you have to do is multiply the degrees with this formula and you get radians.

A sample calculation would be 60 degrees convert to radians

The first thing you do is write the equation so you get 60=π/180 then you just simply multiply.
So you should get π/3

Here is an simple radian circle to look back on if you need help
Lets do a harder example now -5π/3 converted to degrees
okay so the first thing you do is -5*180/3
This will be -300 degrees now you can make your graph and don't forget to go clockwise with your arrow because this is a negative degree question.

Some important radians to remember are:

π/4 which is 45 degrees
π/3 which is 60 degrees
π/2 which is 90 degrees
π    which is 180 degrees
2π  which is you guessed it 360 degrees

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog post and i hope this helped
everyone at least in a little way to better understand radians and degrees.

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